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Current Site
620 No. Brand Boulevard
A six (6) story class B office building originally constructed in 1968 with gross square footage of 45,000 s.f. plus a rentable of 40,087.
625 No. Maryland Ave
A two (2) story concrete block class C building constructed in 1979 with a gross square footage of 5,297 s.f.
Total land area for the site is 65,129 s.f. circa 1.5 acres.
Zoning City of Glendale, Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) Gateway Glendale.
Parking for the two (2) buildings is provided in a 3-level reinforced concrete structure with 152 spaces plus 56 open/surface parking.
Gross income based on 100% occupancy, the income is $1,665,804 with an estimated $1.1 million in net operating income.
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